Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation

About Us


The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation is the peak representative body to the Australian Federal Government.

It is a partnership between State peak fishing bodies, representative organisations and fish habitat groups.  Click here to view ARFF members and supporters. 

The ARFF is a not for profit organisation with a voluntary Board of recreational fishing strategists.

The objectives of ARFF are:

  • To educate and promote the benefits of sustainable recreational fishing to the public and to ensure the maintenance and growth of fish population throughout Australia;
  • To educate the fishing community on ethical, environmental and safety aspects of sustainable recreational fishing;
  • To raise awareness of and promote, the health benefits of sustainable recreational fishing;
  • To educate the public on how to protect, preserve and care for the environment, whilst recreationally fishing, including land care, flora and fauna and marine conservation;
  • To promote the accessibility of sustainable recreational fishing activities to persons of all age group, genders and ethnic origins.