Day 1 — Session 1

Day 1 — Session 1

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Day 1 — Session 2
MC Steve Starling opens this session at timecode 1:05. IN THIS SESSION: Target 1 Million: Phase II — More People Fishing More Often ~ Travis Dowling — VFA | Citizen Action To Improve Our Fisheries: The Role Of Ozfish Unlimited ~ Craig Copeland — Ozfish Unlimited | Recreational Fishing In The Northern Territory — Land Rights And The Blue Mud Bay Decision ~ David Ciaravolo — AFANT | PANEL DISCUSSION
Day 1 — Session 3
This session starts immediately. IN THIS SESSION: Sunfish Citizen Science Contributions To Priority Fisheries Issues In Queensland ~ Dr Barry Pollock — Sunfish QLD | Monitoring And Management Of The NSW Recreational Fishery — Current And Future Directions ~ Julian Hughes — NSW DPI | Reef Vision: Driving better fishing in WA ~ Andrew Roland — Recfishwest | A Synthesis Of The Value Of Contributions From Recreational Fishers In Helping Us Understand The Impacts Of Climate Change ~ Prof. Gretta Pecl — IMAS | PANEL DISCUSSION
Day 1 — Session 4
MC Steve Starling convenes this session at timecode 1:40. IN THIS SESSION: Looking Back And Looking Forward: The Changing Seascape Of Recreational Sea Fishing In Tasmania ~ Rod Pearn & Dr Ian Dutton — DPIPWE | The Next Generation Of Aussie Fisho’s Doing What They Love To Make A Difference ~ Dean Jackson | Inspiring Recreational Fishers To Be Tuna Champions ~ Sean Tracey — IMAS | PANEL DISCUSSION | DAY 1 WRAP-UP ~ Brett Cleary — ARFF Chair
Day 2 — Session 1
MC Steve Starling gets the day’s proceedings underway at the 2:00 timecode mark. IN THIS SESSION: Day 1 Recap ~ ARFF Chair | The Role Of Citizen Science In The Canadian Recreational Fishery— Keynote 2 ~ Gerry Kristianson | Building an Open Access Ciguatera Risk Map: How Fishers Can Help ~ Dr Andreas Seger — SARDI | Women In Recreational Fishing Network And Leadership Program ~ Belinda Yim — VFA | Reinforcing Anecdotal Observations Using Citizen Science: Implications For Eastern Gulf of Carpentaria Fishery Future ~ Dave Donald | PANEL DISCUSSION
Day 2 — Session 2
Unfortunately, this video misses the beginning of Nathan Miles (NSW DPI Fisheries) presentation. Please jump straight in. IN THIS SESSION: Initiatives And Plans For Both Native And Trout Fisheries Programs In NSW ~ Nathan Miles — NSW DPI | Recreational Fisher Representation And Advocacy: Insights From Victoria ~ Mike Burgess — VRFish | Australian Marine Parks ~ Parks Australia | The Tacklebox Project ~ Adam Martin — ARFF | PANEL DISCUSSION
Day 2 — Session 3
MC, Steve Starling starts this Habitat Session (sponsored by Fish Habitat Network, NSW) at the beginning of the timecode. IN THIS SESSION : Fisher Science: Shellfish Reefs ~ Ben Cleveland, Robbie Porter, John Larsson and Travis Pierce — Ozfish Unlimited | Mapping And Monitoring Fish Habitats ~ Cassie Price, Braeden Lampard, Andrew Matthews and Travis Howson — Ozfish Unlimited | National Waterbug Blitz ~ Cecil Ellis — Nature Navigation | A Native Fish Management And Recovery Strategy For The Murray Darling Basin ~ Sam Roseby — MDBA | PANEL DISCUSSION
Day 2 — Session 4
MC, Steve Starling convenes this final session at timecode 00:15. IN THIS SESSION: Supporting Sustainable Fisheries: Fisheries Surveys And Citizen Science ~ Assoc. Prof. Jeremy Lyle — IMAS | The Recreational Trout Fishery In Tasmania: Over 150 Years Of Managing Wild Brown Trout ~ Jonah Yick — Inland Fisheries Service | Conference Report Activity | PANEL DISCUSSION | CONFERENCE WRAP-UP ~ Brett Cleary — ARFF Chair | CONFERENCE CLOSE ~ Dr Patrick Hone — FRDC

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